
What are the main shipping routes in the world?

① Major world routes

1. North Atlantic route: Western Europe (Rotterdam, Hamburg, London, Copenhagen, St. Petersburg); Stockholm and Oslo in northern Europe — North Atlantic — east coast of North America (New York, Quebec, etc.), South Coast (New Orleans port, via Florida Strait).

2. Asia Europe route (Suez Canal route): East Asia (Yokohama, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other ports, via Taiwan, Bashi Strait, etc.), Southeast Asia (Singapore, Manila, etc.), Malacca Strait, Indian Ocean (South Asia, Colombo, Mumbai, Calcutta Karachi, etc.) — Mander Strait (Aden) — Red Sea — Suez Canal (Alexandria) — Mediterranean (Tunisia, Genoa) — Gibraltar Strait — English (Dover) Strait — Western European countries.

3. Cape of good hope route: West Asia (Abadan, etc., via the Strait of Hormuz), East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia – Indian Ocean – East Africa (Dar es Salaam) – Mozambique Strait – Cape of good hope (Cape Town) – Atlantic – West Africa (Dakar) – Western Europe. Large ships with a payload of more than 250000 tons cannot pass through the Suez Canal and need to bypass the Cape of good hope at the southern end of Africa.

4. North Pacific route: East and Southeast Asia – Pacific – west coast of North America (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Seattle, etc.) is an international trade route between Asia and North American countries. With the economic development of East Asia, the trade volume on this route is increasing. These four routes are the busiest routes in the world, the North Atlantic route is the busiest maritime transportation route in the world, and the Cape of good hope route is the route with the largest oil transportation volume, which is known as the “maritime lifeline” of western countries.

5. Panama Canal route: the east coast of North America – Panama Canal (Panama City) – ports on the west coast of North America are a shortcut to connect the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, which is of great significance to the connection between the East and west coasts of the United States.

6. South Pacific route: the passage between countries in the Asia Pacific region (Sydney, Wellington) – the Pacific (Honolulu) – the west coast of South America (Lima, Valparaiso, etc.).

② Main routes in China

Ocean route

1. China North Korea route

2. China Japan route

3. China Vietnam route

4. China Hong Kong route

5. China CIS Far East Route

6. China Philippines route

7. China Singapore Malaysia route

8. China north Kalimantan route

9. China Gulf of Thailand route

10. China Indonesia route

11. China Bay of Bengal route

12. China Sri Lanka route

13. China Persian Gulf route

14. China Australia New Zealand route

Ocean route

1. China Red Sea Route

2. China East Africa route

3. China West Africa route

4. China Mediterranean route

5. China Western Europe route

6. China nordic Baltic route

7. China North America route

8. China South America route